In the beginning.....

And so it begins....a blog. While I enjoy writing, I never thought I would tackle the world of blogging where ever person on the face of the planet would (in theory) have access to my penmanship capabilities. I've never been officially published anywhere - well not exactly true...there was my high school newspaper and does Facebook count? Anyhoo - as our family has OFFICIALLY begun the process of an international adoption (hence the blog title....) and I thought it only fitting to chronicle the "pregnancy" and give a glimpse into the world of "Peugh."

We are excited. We are anxious. We are happy. We are experiencing all of the emotions that come with taking a step of faith. For adoption is a step of faith - faith that the right child (our child) will step into our lives at just the very right moment in time; faith that the resources needed will be there when needed; faith that even in moments of doubt, we will cling to the author and perfecter of our faith for guidance and wisdom.

So the journey begins. We cannot begin to tell you how blessed we are to have the support of our family and friends, to live in our wonderful community and to be able to share this adventure with you.

Stay tuned.....


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