Hurry Up and Wait!

For those of you who patiently check the blog for updates - I'm so sorry for the lag. I tend to get caught up in the day to day and I space providing an update...even when there really isn't one to give. I know there is much interest in the process and time line. My hope is to do better.

So - the good news - we have completed every aspect of our home study. The home study is comprised of one joint interview, one separate interview and one home visit. This, of course, was supplemented with all of the information I mentioned in a previous blog entry. 

We also had to complete "parental training". This should be completely renamed. At first, I thought - parental training....I have three kids....I think I'll manage, but it is so much more. Our adoption agency, fortunately, provided the training all online....which made it so convenient. It is very nice to do this in the comfort of your own your jammies if you want!  The training covered issues such as what your child will experience in the transition, the grieving process for both you and your child (I'll try to cover this in another entry), handling difficulties when they arise and a crash course on Chinese history and culture. It was excellent and I'll probably review several sessions before we meet our daughter.

Back to the home study - Now that all of the interviews are complete, our social worker is compiling the report. I'll be honest and say that I'm a little impatient....I would have liked the report on the same day as our home visit.....but seeing as it will take her 10 to 20 hours of solid typing time, I can't be too demanding :)  Our home visit was last Monday morning and our social worker told me earlier this week that she plans to have our report by the end of next week. First major hurdle will be crossed.

Then what you ask?  Once we receive the report, we can send in form i800-A to Unites States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Once USCIS receives this form, we will be sent our fingerprint cards...and after that is complete, we should receive our approval from the United States government to adopt.  After talking to officials with USCIS, this process is running around 45-60 days at present, but is subject to change. USCIS does not expedite this paperwork, unless you are adopting a child who is about to age out (14 years in China) or requires an immediate, major medical treatment (transplant, etc.).

Since filing our initial paperwork we have scurried to obtain all the necessary paperwork...and now we wait.


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